The Austrian beverage manufacturer Red Bull relies on the quality and high precision of Anton Paar’s measuring instruments.
Red Bull has ordered a CarboQC, which determines the dissolved CO2 without influence from other gases dissolved in the beverage. Besides this, Red Bull has also purchased an OxyQC, which allows rapid and accurate determination of dissolved oxygen, and a PFD (Piercing and Filling Device), which fills the sample directly from the closed bottle or can into the measuring cell of the instrument.
紅牛集團購買了Carbo QC二氧化碳測量儀,該儀器能不受到其他溶解氣體的影響,檢測出其中溶解的二氧化碳。
除此之外,紅牛還購買了Oxy QC溶解儀, 用于快速和準確地檢測溶解氧。 同時也購買了一個穿刺裝置,可以將檢測樣品從密閉的瓶或者易拉罐中直接注入到儀器的測量單元。