產(chǎn)品名稱: 新型全視窗面罩
產(chǎn)品型號:XF450 - MF27
關鍵 詞: 新型全視窗面罩 過濾式單眼窗個人呼吸器官防護器 *新型全視窗面罩 全眼窗防毒面罩
1 用途
2 組成及特點
面罩的罩體密合框按中國成年人頭型設計,采用反折邊形式,佩戴舒適,氣密性能可靠,可適用95 %以上成年公民的佩戴。大眼窗鏡片由聚碳酸酯制成,具有開闊的視野,良好的光學、耐沖擊性能。保明采用阻水罩結構,保明性能良好。
3.1面罩漏氣系數(shù): ≤0.005%(30L/min)
3.3視野: 總視野:≥75%
雙目視野: ≥55%
下方視野: ≥35度
3.4面罩鏡片透光率:≥85 %
表1 濾毒盒性能
濾毒盒 編號 | 標色 | 防護對象 | 試驗毒劑 | 防護時間(min) |
3 | 褐色 | 有機氣體 | 苯 | ≥45 |
4 | 灰色 | 氨、硫化氫 | 氨 | ≥25 |
7 | 黃色 | 酸性氣體 | 二氧化硫 | ≥30 |
4.2 面罩使用后,鏡片、呼氣活門、吸氣活門要保持清潔,必要時可用水沖洗面罩。
4.3如在具有傳染性質病毒環(huán)境使用后,面罩可用1 %過氧乙酸消毒液擦拭、清洗消毒,濾毒盒不可進水,以防失效。面罩經(jīng)消毒液消毒后,應用清水擦拭,晾干后再用。
5.4貯存壽命: 5年。
Products Instructions of HB.33-MF27 Full-Eyepiece Gas Mask
1. Purpose
MF27 Full-Eyepiece Gas Mask is a kind of monocular vision filtering protective device, which can protect the personal respiratory organs. It can protect the user’s face, eyes and respiratory tract from the gas effective. It always used for the military operations, counter-terrorism and emergency response operations at public places.
2. Composition and Characteristic
MF27 Full-Eyepiece Gas Mask components are full-eyepiece gas face piece, the cartridge (double), the rubber harness.
The full-eyepiece gas mask designed of the full-eyepiece type. Its components are faceblank、full-eyepiece lens and five harness which can adjust free.
The hood sealing frame of the face piece is designed according to the Chinese adults’ head shape, and use the opposite direction fold style、easy airtight. It is wearing comfortable, and applicable to more than 95% of adult citizens to wear. The full-eyepiece lens is made from polycarbonate, and it has an open filed of vision、excellent property of optics and the ability to resist the impact. It used the structure of water-blocking cover to ensure the property of keeping the vision clearly.
The cartridge loads the excellent active carbon to be the catalyst, so it can be against the different kind of toxic. Its life time is long, resistance is small, and it is also light and changed easily.
3. Technical Standards
3.1 Leakage coefficient: ≤0.005 %( 30L/min)
3.2 Exhalation resistance: ≤100Pa (30L/min)
3.3 Field of vision: Total ≥75 %
Binocular≥55 %
3.4 Light transmittance: ≥85 %
3.5 Life time: according to the property of the cartridge chose.
The property of the cartridge
3 | Brown | Organic gases | C6H6 | ≥45 |
4 | Grey | NH3、H2S | NH3 | ≥25 |
7 | Yellow | Acid gases | SO2 | ≥30 |
4. Use and Maintenance
4.1 Before wearing the mask, the user should check the air tightness of the mask: after taking the cartridge, the mask should be wore from the chin, then the harness need to be adjusted, and the hood sealing frame of the face piece will be stayed close to the user’s face. When the user breathes, the mask is not leakage, which shows the mask wore already. After installing the cartridge, the user can get into the gas area.
4.2 After using the mask, the lens、the expiratory valve、the inhalation valve should be kept clean, if necessary, the mask need to be washed.
4.3 After using the mask in the environment filled with the contagious virus, it should be cleaned by 1% peracetic acid, and the cartridge can’t be washed by water, in case it loses efficacy because of water. Then after disinfecting by the disinfectant, the mask needs to clean by water. Until it is dry, the mask can be used again.
5. Notice
5.1 Before using, read the products instructions series please.
5.2 The gas mask is the product using in the hazardous atmosphere, so the person who hasn’t has the training can not take the parts apart free.
5.3 The mask should be stored in the cool and dry place, and not contacted the organic solvent.
5.4 Storage life: 5 years.