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Megger PAT320 PAT測試儀 套裝

閱讀:730        發(fā)布時間:2018-3-25

Megger PAT320 PAT測試儀 套裝

Megger PAT320 PAT測試儀 套裝

Megger PAT320 Technical Specifications

Electrical Supply Range 
230V AC230V AC ±10%
110V AC110V AC ±10%
Supply Measurement 
Voltage±2% ± 1V
Frequency±1% ± 0.1Hz
Bond Test 
Open Circuit Voltage9V AC ±10% ±0.1V (Supply: 230V 50Hz)
10A Bond Test Current10A rms ±20% ±0. into 0.1Ω
2 Bond Test Current2 rms ± 5% ± 0. into 0.1Ω
Earth Bond Resistance Accuracy±5% ± 3 digits (0 to 0.49Ω)
±5% ± 5 digits (0.5 to .99Ω)
Earth Bond Resistance Resolution10mΩ (0 to 1.99Ω)
Display Range0 to 1.99Ω
Bond Test NullingUp to 1.00Ω
Adjustable Test DurationUser selectable from 1 sec to 20 sec
Continuity Test 
NoteThe continuity test is a DC test performed automatically
in both positive and negative directions. The average of
the two results is shown
Continuity Test Voltage4.0V DC -0% +10% (open circuit)
Continuity Test Current200mA -0% + 10% ± 5mA (into 2Ω load)
Continuity Resistance Accuracy±5% ±3 digits (0 to 0.49Ω)
±5% ±5 digits (0.5 to .99Ω)
Continuity Resistance Resolution10mΩ (1 to 19.99Ω)
Display Range0 to 19.99Ω
Continuity Test NullingUp to 9.99Ω
Test DurationUser selectable from 1 sec to 20 sec
Insulation Test 
Insulation Test Voltage250V DC -0%/+25% open circuit
500V DC -0%/+25% open circuit
(500V DC across 0.5MΩ)
Insulation Resistance Accuracy (230V)±2% ±5 digits (0 to 19.99MΩ)
±5% ± 10 digits (20 to 99.99MΩ)
Insulation Resistance Accuracy (110V)±5 ±5 digits (0 to 10MΩ)
Insulation Resistance Resolution0.01MΩ (0.10 to 99.99MΩ)
Display Range0 to 99.99MΩ
Test DurationUser selectable from 1 sec to 1 minutes
Substitute Leakage Test 
Test Voltage40V AC ±10%
Test FrequencyNominal mains 50/60Hz
Leakage Current Accuracy±5% ± 5 digits
Leakage Current Resolution0.01mA
Display Range0 to 19.99mA
Test DurationUser selectable from 1 sec to 1 minute
Reading corrected to 230V + 10% or 110V +10% AC
Differential Leakage Current 
Test VoltageNominal mains 110V/230V AC
Test FrequencyNominal mains 50/60Hz
Differential Leakage Current Accuracy±5% ± 5 digits
Differential Leakage Current Resolution0.01mA
Display Range0 to 19.99mA
Reading corrected to 230V +10 % or 110V + 10% AC
Touch Current Test 
Test VoltageNominal mains 1150/230V AC
Test FrequencyNominal mains 50/60Hz
Touch Current Accuracy±5% ±5 digits
Touch Current Resolution0.01mA
Display Range0 to 10mA
Test DurationUser selectable from 1 sec to 5 sec
Reading corrected to 230V + 10% or 110V + 10% AC
Operational Test 
Test VoltageNominal mains 110V/230V AC
Accuracy±5% ±10 digits (0 to 99VA)
±5% ±50 digits (100 to 999VA)
±5% ±100 digits (1000 to 3700VA)
Resolution1VA (0 to 3700VA)
Display Range0 to 3.99KVA
Reading corrected to 230V or 110V AC
Results show load VA
Extension Lead Test 
Polarity Test Voltage12V
PolarityLeak OK
Live neutral S/C
Live neutral reversed
Live/neutral O/C
Portable RCD Test 
RCD Test VoltageNominal mains 110/230V
RCD Test Frequency50Hz
Test Current Accuracy-8% to -2% (1/2 x I)
±2% to +8^ (1 x 1,5 x I)
Trip Time Accuracy±1% ±5 digits
Trip Time Resolution0.1ms
Display Range0 to 1999ms (1/2 x I)
0 to 300ms (1 x I)
0 to 40ms (5 x I)
Fuse Test 
Test Voltage3.3V
WarningAudible Beep if fuse is ok


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