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VectorStar™ Opto-Electronic Network Analyzers

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更新時(shí)間:2023-12-27 16:22:36瀏覽次數(shù):329

聯(lián)系我時(shí),請(qǐng)告知來(lái)自 化工儀器網(wǎng)
The VectorStar opto-electronic network analyzer (ONA) series provides specified, traceable measurements of O/E, E/O, and O/O devices operating at 850, 1310, 1550 nm wavelengths up to 110 GHz

The VectorStar ME7848A opto-electronic network analyzer (ONA) provides a modular approach to optical measurements of O/E, E/O, and O/O devices operating at 850, 1310, and 1550 nm wavelengths. There are two configurations available: the VectorStar ME7848A-100 series includes the MN4765B O/E calibration module and the VectorStar ME7848A-200 series adds the MN4775A E/O converter.

The VectorStar ME7848A-200 series provides the ability to quickly switch between O/E, E/O, and O/O measurements with specified traceable measurements established by the MN4765B O/E calibration module.

The VectorStar ME7848A ONA can be easily modified to different wavelengths by adding the appropriate MN4775A E/O converter and MN4765B O/E calibration detector. The VectorStar ME7838A-100 series can be upgraded to a 200 series by including the appropriate MN4775A E/O converter.

Measurement Capabilities

With the addition of the two modulators, VectorStar, along with a 110 GHz O/E photodetector, can make the following measurements. The inherent advantages that we had on the 70 GHz system are still applicable to the 110 GHz system, namely upgradability, flexibility of making opto-electronic and E/E measurements, and NIST traceability on the reference calibration photodetector.

Opto-Electronic Features

Spectrum Analyzer Option

Other Features

MN4775A EO Converter

Electrical to Optical Converter MN4775A

The MN4775A is an electrical to optical converter that uses an RF input signal to intensity modulate an internal laser. The E/O converter is used in conjunction with the VectorStar MS464xB or the Shockline MS4652xB series VNAs and the MN4765B optical to electrical (O/E) converter to perform highly accurate and stable optoelectronic measurements of both modulators (E/O) and photoreceivers (O/E). The MN4775A includes a laser, an optical Mach-Zehnder intensity modulator and a variable optical attenuator to control its output power. Internal circuitry provides various power and modulation configurations as well as stabilizes overall performance.

Configuration Options

Additional Features

MN4775A EO Response

For additional information and specifications, read the Technical Datasheet.


ME7848A VectorStar ONA Configurations:

Model Description
ME7848A-0210 110 GHz 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (based on ME7838AX broadband VNA system)
ME7848A-0211 110 GHz 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (based on ME7838AX broadband VNA system)
ME7848E-0210 110 GHz 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (based on ME7838EX broadband VNA system)
ME7848E-0211 110 GHz 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (based on ME7838EX broadband VNA system)
ME7848A-0240 40 GHz, 850 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4644B), sold separately)
ME7848A-0270 70 GHz, 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)
ME7848A-0271 70 GHz, 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)
ME7848A-0272 70 GHz, 1310/1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module and E/O Converter (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)
ME7848A-0110 110 GHz 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838AX broadband VNA system)
110 GHz 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838AX broadband VNA system)
110 GHz 1310/1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838AX broadband VNA system)
110 GHz 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838EX broadband VNA system)
110 GHz 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838EX broadband VNA system)
110 GHz 1310/1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (based on ME7838EX broadband VNA system)
40 GHz, 850 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4644B), sold separately)
70 GHz, 1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)
70 GHz, 1310 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)
70 GHz, 1310/1550 nm system with O/E Calibration Module only (Requires Option 51, 61, or 62 (for MS4647B), sold separately)















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