8960 WCDMA 耦合測試步驟
8960 WCDMA 耦合測試步驟
一,開機選擇進入 WCDMA 測試界面
- 按F5(RF IN/OUT Amptd Offset)
- 按F2(RF IN/OUT Amptd Offset Setup)
- 將RF IN/OUT Amplitude Offset State 設(shè)置為“ON”。然后設(shè)置相應(yīng)的頻率和線損值
例如:Frequency 1設(shè)置2.10000 GHz Offset設(shè)置為-15.00 dB
Frequency 2設(shè)置1.90000 GHz Offset設(shè)置為-15.00 dB
- 設(shè)置完成相應(yīng)的頻率和線損值后,按F6(Close Menu)關(guān)閉菜單
- 按下F1鍵,把Operating Mode 選擇成“Cell Off”
- 按左下角“More”翻頁至“2 of 4”。按F2(Cell Parameters)
- 將“BCCH Update Page”由“Inhibit”設(shè)置為”Auto”,將“ATT(IMSI Attach) Flag State”
由“Not Set”設(shè)置為“Set”
- 按下F4設(shè)置“Uplink Parameters”設(shè)置“Maximum Uplink Transmit Power Level”到24dBm
- 按下F6(Close menu)關(guān)閉菜單
- 按左下角“More”翻頁至“1 of 4”
- 按F7(Cell Power)將“-75”設(shè)置為“-55”
- 按下F1,設(shè)置“Operating Mode”到“Active Cell”
四,連接耦合板到8960 RF IN/OUT 端口,將被測手機插入WCDMA測試白卡放置于耦合板上并開機,等待注冊。
五,當(dāng)8960的屏幕上方的IMSI和IMEI以及Power Class出現(xiàn)串碼信息,表明手機已注冊上。然后按F3(Originate Call)呼叫手機。當(dāng)屏幕下方Active Cell由“Idle”變?yōu)?ldquo;Connected”表明手機與8960已建立連接
六,手機與8960建立連接后,按儀器下方的“Measurement selection”選擇測量項目
Thermal Power(大輸出功率)
- 按“Measurement selection”選擇“Thermal Power”
- 按右下角“More”翻頁至“3 of 3”
- 按F7(UE Target Power)設(shè)置為21dBm(Power Class4)或24 dBm(Power Class3) 或27 dBm(Power Class2)
- 按F8(UL CL Power Ctrl Parameters)將“UL CL Power Ctrl Mode”設(shè)置為“All Up bits”
- 顯示大輸出功率應(yīng)該為下列所示
Nominal Maximum Output Power | ||||||||
Operating | Power Class 1 | Power Class 2 | Power Class 3 | Power Class 4 | ||||
Power | TOL | Power | TOL | Power | TOL | Power | TOL | |
Band Ⅰ | +33 | +1.7/-3.7 | +27 | +1.7/-3.7 | +24 | +1.7/-3.7 | +21 | +1.7/-2.7 |
Band Ⅱ | - | - | - | - | +24 | +1.7/-3.7 | +21 | +1.7/-2.7 |
Band Ⅲ | - | - | - | - | +24 | +1.7/-3.7 | +21 | +1.7/-2.7 |
Adiacent Channel Leakage Ratio(鄰信道泄漏抑制比)
- 按“Measurement selection”選擇“Adiacent Channel Leakage Ratio”
- 按F2(Change View)
- 按F2(Graph)查看模板
Waveform Quality(矢量幅度誤差EVM)
1,按“Measurement selection”選擇“Waveform Quality”
Loopback BER(參考靈敏度)
- 此項目測試需將手機放置于屏蔽室內(nèi)測試
2,按“Measurement selection”選擇“Loopback BER”
3,按F7(Cell Power)設(shè)置為“-106.7”
- 按F1(Bit Error Setup),將“Number of bits to test”設(shè)置為“161040”
- UE的BER不超過0.01%
Speetrum Emission Mask(頻譜發(fā)射模板)
- 按“Measurement selection”選擇“Speetrum Emission Mask”
- 按F3(Graph)查看頻譜發(fā)射模板
Oeeupied Bandwidth(占用帶寬)
- 按“Measurement selection”選擇“Oeeupied Bandwidth”
- UE占用帶寬不超過5MHz
Inner Loop Power(上行內(nèi)環(huán)功率控制)
- 按“Measurement selection”選擇“Inner Loop Power”
- 按F1(Inner Loop Power Setup),將“Test Segment”設(shè)置為“A”
- 按前面板上“START SINGLE”查看當(dāng)面測試結(jié)果
- 按F1(Inner Loop Power Setup),將“Test Segment”分別設(shè)置為“B,C,D,E,F,G,H”,重復(fù)2步到3步