我司自2006年10月起成為UFM 流量計在華北地區(qū)和東北地區(qū)的一級*商,得到了UFM公司的大力支持,享受UFM工廠提供的zui低的進貨價格、zui快的供貨周期、zui直接的進貨渠道和zui完善的技術服務。上海圓馨公司目前主要負責北京、天津、河北、遼寧、黑龍江、吉林等地區(qū)的市場。本公司憑借自2003年以來積累的在精密 流量計行業(yè)豐富的經驗,尤其是在選型、應用、售后服務和維修方面有顯著優(yōu)勢。
Universal Flow Monitors, Inc.公司提供了機器人加工不銹鋼流量計
Universal Flow Monitors, Inc was incorporated in 1963. It is a closely held company owned and run by Erik and Lars Rosaen. This family owned business started out making variable area flow sw
itches for the automotive market. They were used largely for lubrication flow, cooling water and paint and this remains true today. Over the years,Universal has added flow indication and flow transmitters to the basic design platform. We have also added the Insite? and FlowStream? product lines. Insite? is a plastic see through flow indicator used for water , de-ionized water and dilute chemicals used in waste water treatment. The FlowStream? product uses a different technology to measure the mass flow of clean gasses where fast response and survivability are key. In 1999, Universal acquired 50% of Norco Products, Inc which makes water shut off valves used in resistance welding applications. Putting it all together, Universal and Norco (renamed Rocon) make flowmeters and controls for fluids used in high production. The products are characterized by asimple and robust design backed up by high customer service and dedication to quality.
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