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來源:東莞市科比特工業(yè)自動化設備有限公司   2016年10月29日 09:15  

LINEMASTER has manufactured special foot switches which meet the specific requirements of Original Equipment Manufacturers (O.E.M.). Special variations are only supplied to the O.E.M. in production quantities. Special foot switches, which are manufactured according to specifications from the O.E.M., and orders for specials are only accepted on a direct basis..
A special is considered to be any modification to a standard catalog item, however slight it is, such as minus the nameplate. In order to provide a complete foot control assembly to the O.E.M.’s specifications, LINEMASTER offers custom cable services. Some of the options available to O.E.M. include nameplates, packaging, special paint finishes and mounting provisions..
LINEMASTER can design a pedal to meet customers’ requirements based on their years of foot switch experience. This can help customers to avoid costly design pitfalls and save a lot of time.
The Clipper II is a control foot-switch which is created out of zinc die cast materials. It comes with steel actuating mechanism. Through its gasket seal, it is made equipped with an extensive security against traces of liquids. The control foot-switch is designed with stainless steel spring and exterior hardware. An ability to withstand an operating temperature ranging from -20 deg;C up to 80 deg;C is also incorporated..
以上圖片的Clipper II是一種控制腳踏開關,出鋅壓鑄材料創(chuàng)造。它與鋼的執(zhí)行機構。通過它的密封墊片,它是由裝有液體的一個廣泛的安全攻擊的痕跡??刂颇_踏開關的設計與不銹鋼彈簧和外部硬件。一個能夠承受的溫度范圍從20°C至80°;;C也納入..
The Clipper II can optionally be accompanied by a gauge steel guard and an array of cabled variations.
Clipper II可以任選地伴隨著鋼結構防護及電纜變化數(shù)組。


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