寶德調節(jié)閥2702 寶德 2702 burkert 2702 burkert調節(jié)閥2702 寶德2702比例調節(jié)閥
The 2702 Control Valve consists of an 316L angle seat body with a rugged pneumatic piston actuator. The parabolic trim results in a fl ow characteristic approximay 35% larger than conventional control valves. It is available in either stainless steel on stainless steel or with a durable PTFE seal for tight shut-off.Type 2702 can be actuated by the Continuous TopControl Type 8692/8693/8694 or SideControl Type 8635 and 8792/93. TopControl/Side-Control thus forms a mechanical and functional unit with the pneumatic actuator as a complete control valve system. This system has been engineered for reliable accurate control in applications where high fl ow rate is an advantage.
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