深圳市浚海中儀科技有限公司是德國SPS electronic 公司在中國大陸地區(qū)的授權代理商,專業(yè)銷售SPS electronic 的產品,并可為客戶提供相關產品的技術服務和售后支持。
Hipot tester HA 3600D 是一款桌面耐壓測試儀,zui高可到5KV.
The hipot tester HA 3600D is reduced to the most important features and thus, a real classic. It is ideal for quick, inexpensive and easy safety tests by national and international standards (IEC, EN, UL, VDE etc.).
Classic - uncomplicated - tried and tested
HA 3600D offers simple operation through the analogue display instruments for voltage and current. Using a rotary knob, the test voltage can be quickly and easily set. The test can be started via the test pistols or the 24 V interface; a visual and an audible alarm are activated. The test result PASS / FAIL can be queried via the 24 V interface.
For especially exciting tasks
According to many international standards, the HA 3600D has a power of over 500 VA at a short-circuit current of 100 mA / 200 mA. The device is CE-conform for use according to EN 50191.
With an ergonomic housing, the portable HA 3600D is ideal as a portable desktop device.
- Classic hipot tester
- In accordance with national and international standards (IEC, EN, UL, VDE etc.)
- Analogue display for voltage and current
- Setting the test voltage using a rotary knob
- Setting the tripping current on the front panel
- Starting the test using test probes or 24 V interface
- 500 VA / 200 mA / 100 mA
- CE-conform for use according to EN 50191
- Portable desktop device
- Connection to the front panel using test probes
- Calibration certificate according to ISO 9001 or IEC 17025
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