鞘脂是一類含有鞘氨醇骨架的兩性脂,是僅次于磷脂的第二大類膜脂。鞘脂一端連接著一個長鏈的脂肪酸,另一端為一個極性的醇。鞘脂正常代謝的維持不僅是細胞生存的關鍵,也對包括抗病免疫調(diào)控、植物育性等在內(nèi)的發(fā)育過程,有著十分重要的作用。絲氨酸棕櫚酰轉(zhuǎn)移酶(Serine palmitoyltransferase, SPT)是催化鞘脂合成的步,同時也是關鍵的限速步驟。在人和酵母中,類黏膜蛋白(Orosomucoid, ORM)通過負調(diào)控SPT酶來維持細胞內(nèi)的鞘脂穩(wěn)態(tài)。穩(wěn)定的同位素標準可以很容易地檢測到質(zhì)譜,同時相比天然鞘脂顯示出幾乎相同的物理性質(zhì),這對于確保分析物和內(nèi)部標準物之間具有相似的提取特性和信號響應非常重要。
With the availability of stable isotope standards and the incorporation of soft ionization techniques in mass spectrometry the detection of very small amounts of sphingolipids can be accomplished. The two major approaches of sphingolipidomic studies are the liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry based methods and the shotgun lipidomics approach.These techniques require the use of internal standards for each class of sphingolipid expected to be found in a sample. Stable isotope standards can be easily detected by mass spectrometry while demonstrating nearly identical physical properties as compared to natural sphingolipids. This is very important to ensure similar extraction properties and signal response between the analytes and the internal standards.
D-erythro-Sphingosine, D9 1 mg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-D-erythro-sphingosine 1 mg
N-(32-Linoleoyloxy-dotriacontanoyl)-sphingosine-D9 1 mg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-D-erythro-dihydrosphingosine 1 mg
N-1-13C-Hexadecanoyl-D-erythro-sphingosylphosphorylcholine 1mg
N-Octadecanoyl-D3-D-erythro-sphingosine-1-phosphate, deuterated 1 mg $
N-Octadecanoyl-D35-psychosine, (perdeuterated, C18:0 fatty acid) 5 mg
N-omega-CD3-Hexadecanoyl-glucopsychosine 1 mg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-sulfatide 1 mg
N-omega-CD3-Hexadecanoyl-lactosylceramide 1 mg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl-ceramide trihexoside 500 µg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl monosialoganglioside GM1 (NH4+ salt) 500 µg
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl monosialoganglioside GM2 (NH4+ salt) 250 ug
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl monosialoganglioside GM3 (NH4+ salt) 250 ug
N-omega-CD3-Octadecanoyl disialoganglioside GD3 500 µg
342021 | 71012-19-6 | 神經(jīng)節(jié)四?;拾贝?Gangliotetraosylceramide |
342020 | 神經(jīng)三已糖基神經(jīng)酰胺 Gangliotriosylceramide | |
342019 | 71812-11-8 | 巖藻糖單唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷酯 Fucosylated monosialoganglioside GM1;Fucosyl-GM1 |
342018 | 62010-37-1 | 雙唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷脂GD3,Disialoganglioside GD3 (NH4+salt);GD3 |
342017 | 65988-71-8 | 雙唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷脂GD2,Disialoganglioside GD2 (NH4+salt);GD2 |
342016 | 19553-76-5 | 雙唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷脂GD1b,Disialoganglioside GD1b (NH4+salt);GD1b |
342015 | 12707-58-3 | 雙唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷脂GD1a,Disialoganglioside GD1a (NH4+salt);GD1a |
342014 | 171483-40-2 | 溶菌酶-單唾液酸神經(jīng)節(jié)苷酯 lyso-Monosialoganglioside GM1 (NH4+salt);lyso-GM1 |
342012 | 6036-75-5 | L-反赤蘚式-鞘鞍醇 L-erythro-Sphingosine |
342011 | N-棕櫚酰-乳糖神經(jīng)酰胺 N-Hexadecanoyl-lactosylceramide | |
342010 | 4682-48-8 | 乳糖神經(jīng)酰胺 Lactosylceramides |
342009 | N-Hexadecanoyl-D3-lactosylceramide, deuterated | |
342008 | 4682-48-8 | 乳糖神經(jīng)酰胺 Lactosylceramides |
342007 | 4682-48-8 | 乳?;?N-脂?;拾贝?Lactosylceramides |
342006 | 溶血乳糖苷神經(jīng)酰胺 lyso-Lactosylceramide | |
342005 | N-C16:0-Cyclopropenylceramide | |
342004 | N-C16:0-Cyclopropenylceramide | |
342003 | 2-氟棕櫚酸甲酯,Methyl 2-fluoropalmitate | |
342002 | 85496-63-5 | 硫酸腦苷脂 Cerbroeside sulfate ;Sulfatides |
342001 | 6036-85-7 | D-蘇式-鞘鞍醇 D-threo-Sphingosine |
342000 | 2238-90-6 | 神經(jīng)鞘氨醇半乳糖苷 Psychosine |
341996 | 鞘氨醇半乳糖苷 N-Octadecanoyl-D35-psychosine, perdeuterated | |
341995 | N-二十四酰-硫腦苷脂 N-Tetracosanoyl sulfatide | |
341994 | N-Acetyl-sulfatide | |
341993 | N-十五?;窠?jīng)鞘氨醇半乳糖苷 N-Pentadecanoyl-psychosine | |
341992 | N-Octanoyl-beta-D-galactosylceramide | |
341991 | N-Octadecanoyl-D3-sulfatide, deuterated | |
341990 | N-辛?;?beta-D-半乳糖?;拾贝?N-Octanoyl-beta-D-galactosylceramide | |
341989 | N-Hexadecanoyl-sulfatide | |
341988 | N-C16:0-D3-葡萄糖神經(jīng)酰胺 N-Hexadecanoyl-D3-glucopsychosine, deuterated | |
341987 | 38621-58-8 | lyso-Sulfatide (NH4+salt) |
341986 | N-乙酰神經(jīng)鞘氨醇半乳糖苷 N-Acetyl-psychosine | |
341985 | 52050-17-6 | Glucopsychosine |
341984 | 52050-17-6 | 葡萄糖神經(jīng)酰胺 Glucopsychosine |
341982 | 葡萄糖腦苷脂 Glucocerebrosides | |
341981 | 94885-04-8 | N-Hexanoyl-NBD-sphingosylphosphorylcholine (mixture of D-erythro and L-threo isomers) |
341979 | 葡萄糖腦苷脂 Glucocerebrosides | |
341978 | 葡萄糖腦苷脂標準品 Glucocerebrosides | |
341977 | 536-13-0 | 半乳糖神經(jīng)酰胺 Cerebrosides; Kerasin (top spot) |
341976 | 37211-11-3 | 腦苷脂 Cerebrosides; Phrenosin (bottom spot) |
341975 | 葡萄糖神經(jīng)酰胺 Glucocerebrosides,Plant | |
341974 | 85305-88-0 | 半乳糖苷神經(jīng)酰胺 Galactosylceramide (Galactocerebroside) |
341973 | 127593-21-9 | Methyl 3-hydroxyundecanoate |
341972 | Methyl 3-hydroxytridecanoate | |
341971 | 94885-04-8 | 熒光鞘磷脂 N-Hexanoyl-NBD-sphingosylphosphorylcholine |
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