Tensile testing machine:Tensile test machine, a basic test machine, is to measure strength, rigidity, flexibility, plasticity, tenacity and ductibility of various material ( including metal material and nonmetal material), parts, structure member and etc through pull and stretch testing.
Electronic torsion testing machine:Electronic torsion testing machine Microcomputer controlled electronic torsion testing machine is a new type of torsion testing machine that combines traditional mechanical and electronic technology with computers. It has high accuracy and sensitivity in measuring and controlling torque and torsional deformation. By connecting torque and torsion angle or torsion deformation signals with controllers and computers through torque sensors and photoelectric encoders, real-time data collection can be performed, and real-time display of torque and torsion angle or deformation curves can be performed. Then, the collected data can be calculated, processed, and analyzed, and a complete test report can be printed out as needed.
fatigue testing machine:It is a machine mainly used for testing the fatigue performance of metals and their alloy materials under tensile, compressive, or alternating tensile and compressive loads at room temperature.The dynamic fatigue testing machine is characterized by its ability to achieve high load, high frequency, and low consumption, thereby shortening test time and reducing test costs.
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