Q: Under specific conditions,Plasma Cleaner is able to change the surface property of material(s) Plasma treated, could you please give an an example of it?
A: The plasma treatment can change the surface chemistry of the material based on the process gas that is used to generate the plasma. This can thus change the surface properties of the material. For example, an air or oxygen plasma is commonly used in our plasma units to introduce hydroxyl (OH) groups on the surface of polymers (e.g. polystyrene, polyethylene). This changes the surface from normally hydrophobic (high water contact angle) to hydrophilic (water contact angle of <30 degrees) and increases the surface wettability. Plasma treatment can also change the surface chemistry (and thus surface properties) of other materials, such as silicon, stainless steel, and glass.
被用于產(chǎn)生等離子體的處理氣體,等離子處理可改變材料的表面化學。因此能改變材料的表面性質。例如,大氣或是氧氣等離子體常用在聚合物(例如 聚苯乙烯, 聚乙烯)表面產(chǎn)生羥基。通常表面從疏水性(高水接觸角)改變至親水性(水接觸角小于30度),并增加表面潤濕性能。等離子處理也能改變其它材料的表面化學(表面性質),如硅、不銹鋼及玻璃。
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