HYPERVISC SPECIFICATIONHV1 SENSORPERFORMANCEViscosity Range 0 – 10,000+ cP in one single rangeMeasurement Time 1 secondAccuracy 1% of reading or +/- 0.1cPRepeatability 0.3% of reading or +/- 0.05cPTEMPERATUREStandard Ranges (3) -50 °C to 250 °C, 300 °C, 350 °CExtended Range Temperature greater than 350 °C to order *Measured Temperature Integral thermometerPRESSUREStandard Ranges (3) 690bar (10,000psi), 1380bar (20,000psi), 2070bar (30,000psi)Extended Range Higher pressure to order *SAMPLE SIZEStandard 4mlSpecial Reduce volume to order *PROCESS CONNECTIONStandard Fitting HIP HF4Special Fitting Non-standard process connection to order *
CONSTRUCTIONAll welded, crevice-freeMATERIALSSensor Alloy C276 (EN 2.4819)Measurement Cell Options Alloy C22 (EN 2.4602)Alloy C276 (EN 2.4819)Special Materials Non-standard materials to order *SURFACE FINISHStandard N5 0.4 RaOptions ElectropolishedElectroplatedSpecial Finish Non-standard finish options and coatings to order *HV750 PROCESSORDISPLAYLarge character backlit matrix LCD displayDISPLAY UNITSViscosity User selectable cP, P, mPa.s, Pa.sTemperature/Pressure User selectable metric / imperialLED INDICATORSSensor Data Link Status Indicates sensor data traffic (red/green)Alarm Status Indicates measurement system alarm status (red/green)
OUTPUTSAnalog (3) 3 × 4-20mA user assignableDigital Data Port RS485 ModBus Data Link to host system or PC running ViscoLinkUSB USB II Data InterfaceINPUTSAnalog (3) Pressure 4-20mAOptional external temperature 4-wire RTD or 4-20mA – user assignableOptional density 4-20mACONNECTIONSI/O Connectors Field rewirable Binder connectorsPOWERPower Consumption 24 V DC @ 150mADIMENSIONSH 174mm x W 224mm x D 70mmENCLOSURE MATERIALMachined from high grade Al 6082 AlloyWEIGHT1.7KgSOFTWAREViscoLink data viewing and logging PC software* SPECIAL OPERATIONSCustom variations to instrument specification and dimensions routinely provided by our dedicated Special Operations division